2003 NCEF Financial Reports
In the US: |
Balance from last quarter: | $2329.82 |
Income (Donations): | $2549.85 |
Total Expenses: | $108.93 |
Balance: | $4770.74 |
Expenses for this quarter include communications to Nepal, more pamphlets,
transfer fees for last quarter's money transfer, certificates for this year's volunteers and miscellaneous office supplies.
This quarter we were charged $4.08 in Paypal fees for donations received online. Of the expenses incurred this quarter $99.85
were paid directly by members as donations to NCEF.
In Nepal |
Balance from last quarter: | Rs. 78288 |
Fundraising: | Rs. 33650 |
Expenses: | Rs. 1982 |
Balance: | Rs. 109956 |
This quarter our members in Nepal have started raising funds as well.
A movie screening raised Rs. 33650 after expenses (Rs. 10000 to rent the theater).
Breakdown of Expenses |
Office Supplies: | Rs. 1482 |
Refreshments: | Rs. 500 |
In the US: |
Balance from last quarter: | $2836.22 |
Income (Donations): | $500.00 |
Expenses: | $6.40 |
Sent to Nepal: | $1000.00 |
Total Expenses: | $1006.40 |
Balance: | $2329.82 |
This quarter we were charged $6.40 in Paypal fees for donations received online.
In Nepal |
Balance from last quarter: | Rs. 14816 |
From the US: | Rs. 73445 |
Expenses: | Rs. 9973 |
Balance: | Rs. 78288 |
Breakdown of Expenses |
School Fees: | Rs. 7876 |
Uniforms: | Rs. 988 |
Office Supplies: | Rs. 650 |
Transportation: | Rs. 320 |
Document Services: | Rs. 89 |
Miscellaneous: | Rs. 50 |
Document Services consists of photcopies and scans as part of our applicaiton process.
Transportation refers to any transportation costs incurred in monitoring visits.
In the US: |
Balance from last quarter: | $1587.25 |
Income (Donations): | $1876.40 |
Expenses: | $127.43 |
Sent to Nepal: | $500 |
Total Expenses: | $627.43 |
Balance: | $2836.22 |
This quarter our mailing address was moved to a PO box for stability. Expenses for this month include the yearly
rental fee for the PO Box and web hosting fees. The PO Box fee of $61.00 was paid for by our members as a donation to NCEF.
This quarter we were charged $6.43 in Paypal fees for donations received online.
In Nepal |
Balance from last quarter: | Rs. 11254 |
From the US: | Rs. 37509 |
Expenses: | Rs. 33947 |
Balance: | Rs. 14816 |
Breakdown of Expenses |
Books: | Rs. 1765 |
School Fees: | Rs. 24527 |
Uniforms: | Rs. 2140 |
Office Supplies: | Rs. 3660 |
Refreshments: | Rs. 694 |
Transportation: | Rs. 1051 |
Document Services: | Rs. 110 |
Document Services consists of photcopies and scans as part of our applicaiton process.
Transportation refers to any transportation costs incurred in monitoring visits.
In the US: |
Balance from last quarter: | $1654.20 |
Income (Donations): | $372.25 |
Expenses: | $239.20 |
Sent to Nepal: | $200.00 |
Total Expenses: | $439.20 |
Balance: | $1587.25 |
Expenses for this month included fund raising expenses for the first printing of our pamphlets and domain name renewal.
The printing costs of $222.25 were paid by our members as a donation to NCEF. This quarter we were charged $4.95 in Paypal fees
for donations received online.
In Nepal |
Balance from last quarter: | Rs. 5052 |
From the US: | Rs. 15000 |
Expenses: | Rs. 8798 |
Balance: | Rs. 11254 |
Breakdown of Expenses |
School Fees: | Rs. 3050 |
Office Supplies: | Rs. 600 |
Refreshments: | Rs. 706 |
Transportation: | Rs. 1636 |
Document Services: | Rs. 2476 |
Miscellaneous: | Rs. 330 |
Document Services consists of photcopies and scans as part of our applicaiton process.
Transportation refers to any transportation costs incurred in monitoring visits.